Fernie Ski Touring Maps Updated Feb. 2020

Fernie backcountry skiing map

Hey folks, I really hope you enjoy the maps.

Fernie Overview Ski Tours 02-19-20

Thunder Meadows & FAR Ski Tours 02-21-20

Tunnel Creek Ski Tours 02-19-20

Harvey Pass Touring Map 11-29-19

I use Avenza on my phone to bring maps with me.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for anything. The above are merely arbitrary lines on a map with no absolutely no meaning whatsoever and are for my personal use only.

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Author: SeeThenSki


6 thoughts on “Fernie Ski Touring Maps Updated Feb. 2020”

  1. Thank you so much for this info! Have you ever explored the area off Corbin road (like from Pipeline staging area). I’ve never been there, only looking at topos at this point.


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